Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 January 2013: A whole day set visit and a non-disclosure consent agreement.

I did a whole day set visit of a South African television show, currently in production, today.

In the interest of full disclosure I can tell that I signed a non-disclosure consent agreement (as did everyone of the other journalists and editors present who cover entertainment and television from across the country including Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban).

In exchange for access to the show during production today (and nobody was forced to sign anything) nobody can write anything for now.

There's to be no stories or articles or disclosure of any details about anything seen, discovered or which got answered or revealed - until a specified date (the date the show will start, which is just past the half-way mark this year in South Africa).

Journalists got an opportunity to visit the set, see the people who viewers will get to see, and to talk to the producers and directors while the show is being made. For the most part everyone snooped around for interesting titbits and angles (I found many and asked a lot of questions) and took notes and photos.

So, there will be stories from me and other journalists in time, just not right now (in order not to impact on the current production). If there were stories about what I and other saw today, it would change the production were it written and published immediately.