Saturday, December 1, 2012

BREAKING. 'We as the SABC have failed and disappointed you,' says the SABC's Eastern Cape regional boss, Zola Yeye.

"We as the SABC have failed and disappointed you," the SABC's regional Eastern Cape boss Zola Yeye told a crowd of 500 people at Tholeni village near Butterworth in the Eastern Cape province.

Zola Yeye, the SABC's provincial manager told residents that the SABC had failed in adequately broadcasting news and information about the spate of serial murders in the area where 19 people have been killed since 2007.

Zola Yeye said the SABC, like any other public broadcaster, should have reported and thoroughly investigated the killings of woman and children in the village.

Zola Yeye told the Tholeni village that the SABC failed to properly cover the news in the area: "we let our guard down and left everything to the police - the very same police who cannot attend to crime scenes due to the unavailability of police vans".