Sunday, September 23, 2012

E! Entertainment's 'new' on-air look in South Africa - white, black and blue - seems as if its ripped-off and copied from Trace Sports.

E! Entertainment (DStv 124) which implemented its "new" on-air look today for South Africa comes across to me as having been ripped-off and copied from the look of Trace Sports (DStv 129) which South African viewers have seen already.

Above is an intertile and promo board for the entertainment news and lifestyle channel's E! News
Below is an intertile and promo board for the sport entertainment and sports lifestyle channel's Top Gossip.

By the way, E! Entertainment and Trace Sports are two different TV channels, if you are maybe confused.

E! Entertainment now uses a new colour palette consisting of primarily white, black and baby blue, as well as white, black and orange for its on-air look - and strikingly in very much the same way as Trace Sports to which South African viewers have now had access to for months.

Oh, and don't forget about MTV Base (DStv 322). Yep - black, white and blue look. It's so funny that E! Entertainment is now the third TV channel seen in South Africa in these exact same colours.

You can see how the "new" E! Entertainment looks very derivative of what South African viewers on DStv have already seen.