Monday, August 20, 2012

eNCA NEWS SCROLL SNAFU. cdkjhiu shdfkj ewer jhsdf - also known as 'new on-air graphics toggle system not yet quite mastered'.

You're reading it here first. 

The switch-over name-change from the eNews Channel to simply eNCA (DStv 403) hasn't been all plain sailing - there's been at least some technical snafus and mistakes, most notably with the "new" on-air news scroll in the bottom third.

Although the eNCA didn't again say that American president George W. Bush has died (which the eNews Channel did erroneously do a few years ago), the news ticker did say ... we'll we can't make out what the news scroll has been saying since it's all gibberish.

Since the eNews Channel switched to the eNCA on Sunday night at 19:00, the eNCA news scroll has shown double text running superimposed on each other multiple times - during normal news shows as well as the weather.

It would appear, disappear, reappear  and disappear as technicians are clearly realising the mistake after a few seconds - but then end up doing it again. The gibberish eNCA double news scroll first happened just before midnight on Sunday night.

The double ticker appeared again, making its most prominent appearance 24 hours since the start of the eNCA during the News Night broadcast on Monday night on the channel.