Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SATIRE. TopTV wants to show some Vijay-jay and how to make Baby TV, with lots of nookie - just no Hi Nolly.

Some silly satire from my side using TopTV channel names; no harm is intended. TopTV plans to add a separate porn package to its pay TV service, something which actually has an impact on all the different other brands and channels that form a part of a pay TV provider's broader bouquet:

''TopTV wants to show some Vijay-jay and how to make Baby TV because Kiss-ing alone is no longer good enough.

You can BET on some subscribers wanting to see some porn Star!s doing the Jim Jam. All au Natura-l of course, on its very own Channel V.

It's all adding Fuel to the fire. There will be nookie, just no Hi Nolly. And who will be the Top One? No MSNBC and MGM but possibly S&M as people Top Explore all the Foxy Entertainment when its Showtime for 24 hours a day on 3 channels.''