Wednesday, December 7, 2011

NUTTY ... BUT NICE. I often think broadcasters are nuts; seems as if holds TV critics in South Africa in the same regard.

After 13 years of doing this, truly very little surprises me when i pick up the phone and talk to TV people and hear outrageous stuff. The South African television industry is anything but dull. From schedule changes, weird shows, weird executive decisions and outrageous ideas (lets give them porn) I've seen and written about it all in an industry that's often quite nutty.

It seems broadcasters hold TV critics like myself and writers who are quick to pounce and splash all the latest news and lurid details in the same regard.

Today sent over a special Christmas gift basket. A nutty basket. Filled with all kinds of nuts and beautifully tied up with a festive and really beautiful deep red ribbon. ''Go nuts with this season with'' says the broadcaster on the Christmas card, and on the inside ''Season's Greeting from''.

''With Lucilla on the warpath and Shakira losing her mind, this festive season is going to be an explosive one for Rhythm City and Scandal!,'' says the card touting's soaps at 18:30 and 19:30 respectively.