Wednesday, November 16, 2011

INTERVIEW. Tamera of the new reality show Tia & Tamera starting on Style: 'Once the cameras start rolling, there's no turning back.'

Photos: YIP Photography

Twin Tamera Mowry, one of the twosome of Tia and Tamera - both famous in South Africa for their longrunning TV sitcom Sister, Sister on CCV and SABC1 - is visiting South Africa where their new and funny reality show Tia & Tamera starts this week for a first season on Style (DStv 183) on Wednesdays at 21:15.

Tamera, now married (she's now Tamera Mowry-Housley) has been visiting South Africa with her husband and they've been experiencing Cape Town last week before flying to Johannesburg where they will be staying this week. In Tia & Tamera - a hugely successful new reality show that started on Style in America in July, viewers will see Tamera preparing for her wedding while sister Tia who's been married for three years, is preparing for the birth of her first child.

Complicating matters are Tia who's supposed to be the bridesmaid for Tamera - but are pre-occupied with her own impending motherhood. Tia wants to be there for her sister but can't really, while Tamera is getting frustrated with all the wedding organising.

I jetted into Johannesburg on Monday morning specially for a sit-down interview with the delightful Tamera who made time to talk to me at the ultra-lux as always Michelangelo hotel in Sandton.

In her first interview I asked Tamera how the reality show came about, how it's different to when the sisters were on television and together previously, her impressions of Cape Town and South Africa and what's in store for viewers. Tamera candidly shares her thoughts on the Kim Kardashian wedding (since viewers will see Tamera planning her own wedding), how she and her sister are the same and different, and how exhausting filming a reality show can actually really be. 

Why did you decide to do your own reality show of Tia & Tamera on Style and how did the whole idea come about?
Tamera: It was actually my sister Tia's idea because she's a huge fan of reality TV. I like reality TV, but I like Heidi Klum's show Project Runway, Tia likes the Kardashians and Real Housewives, so she thought it would be a really cool idea for us to do it. At first I was a bit hesitant, because I'm the more private of the two. But ... we were approached to do a reality show about three or four years ago and people kept asking us.
We thought what an amazing time to do it now. I wanted to make sure the timing was right but not just only that. Once I heard from our fans that they really, really wanted to see us do it and thought it would be a cool idea, I was like ''Of course, I'll do it for the fans''.

And some apprehension?
Oh, yes. Because it's reality. You know. I'm very private. And with reality you put everything out there. I realized that you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable, otherwise people are going to see that it's fake. That's one of the main reasons I didn't want any of our fans to think that any of it is fake or just for the cameras. If we do it, we really want it to be as real as possible. I think that's the reason why Tia & Tamera is so successful back in America.

How is Tia & Tamera different as a TV production as opposed to the hugely popular Sister, Sister which is a sitcom and which we've seen you in for years?
Oh, it's so much harder. A lot of people think ''Oh, reality show! You're just on TV to see yourself. Go.'' The truth is you work longer hours - sometimes 14 hours a day. And not only that - it was exhausting at first because you're kind of tip-toeing, you know, around certain issues? You think "oh am I going to say this because somebody's going to think I'm like that or this?'' so at first it was very exhausting.
Then, after a while, again, you just have to be yourself and the more Tia and I allowed ourselves to just be ourselves the easier it got. It's still hard. You don't know what is going to happen; what someone is going to say; what someone is going to do. In scripted television I have to memorise my lines and I know where I stand, and I know where I sit, and then you just go.

Very early on viewers will see you get very upset with your sister.
Yes. [She laughs.]

While the cameras are rolling, are you aware of ''Oh I can't go full out and fight like we do at home'' or how do you determine the level? Because you don't want to be not genuine ...

and on the other hand be ...
... crazy! Exactly. However, that's the reason why we were exhausted in the beginning because we were tip-toeing. So, there is a point at the beginning where I got upset with Tia, and then I did pull back because the cameras are on the outside - I can see them from the corner of my eye - and I thought: people are going to see this! Again, after a while, you think, you know what? Forget it. Around the 4th episode you'll see we just let it out. That's when the show gets really good.

Maybe a difficult question but I have to ask about the Kasdashians ...

... because there was also a wedding and now it's over. Do you think there's a danger in being too open with your own personal life when it comes to a reality show? Or how do you determine the level of what should you be sharing with people through television and what not?
Yes. I do think you have to protect yourself. My sister and I, because we're producers of the show, we got to choose beforehand what we're willing to be open about and what things we were not willing to share. However, once the cameras start rolling on the things we've chosen to be completely open about there's no turning back. There are certain things we've protected ourselves from. You'll see me go through the process of me getting married, but you won't actually see the ceremony. That was something that I wanted to keep private.

Can you talk a bit about Cape Town that you visited the past few weeks - South Africa. Is it your first time here?
I loved it. It's amazing. However. To be completely honest, I've never expected or before experienced a township situation vibe. I just didn't understand it at first. I was: ''Whaao. Aluminium shacks! What is this? I actually visited some kids there. They were so happy. You realize they don't have much if you look at it materialistically.
However, my husband took this beautiful picture of this guy actually picking up his son. And it was in a township. And I have to say they looked so happy; so genuinely happy. I think we could really learn from that. Kids are usually so in their toys [Tamera looks down and make with her hands the gesture of someone typing on a cellphone with both hands], always having so many gadgets and things happening; have all these clothes. So there's a lesson there for everybody.

And are you guys filming that for the second season? Do you have a handycam getting footage?
Oh yes. Viewers will definitely see that. And the mountain. So beautiful.

You chose a good time. 

How was the experience of having done a first season and now starting a second season of Tia & Tamera? How is the experience of being back on television and doing reality, and doing with your sister TV work again?
I love working with my sister because it's really not work. Always when I'm with her, I don't see the cameras. We have such a close relationship. It's special because we're twins. And other twins and triplets I'm sure can relate to what I'm talking about. I love it. I love being on TV with my sister and we love our fans because they're always there for us. Doing a second season; it seems to be a lot more smoother. Now I know what to expect.

You said you're the more private one of the two. How would you describe your personality as opposed to your sister? And how do you think you're also the same?
I'm a little bit ... She'll say this: She's more aggressive. She's more determined and when she has a goal she goes for it. And if she has an issue with you, she'll let you know right there. I'm a bit more passive, laid-back, diplomatic. I want to hear what everyone else has to say before I just dive in there. I'm a bit more scatter-brained. She's more focused. It doesn't mean I don't get things done. That's a misconception. I can be all over the place but I do what I know I need to when I have to.

Without spoiling, what's waiting as the season progress?
People should watch because although Tia & Tamera is about identical twins, the show is really about relationships. Whether it's about a sibling relationship, husbands and wives - it shows how two different people have two different perspectives on life but support each other. It's positive, and it's fun. You will laugh. I tell you, you will laugh like you've never laughed before at a reality show. And I say that with confidence.

Tia & Tamera I starts today, Wednesday, 16 November on Style (DStv 183) at 21:15