Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Animal Planet filming a new spin-off series from the popular Whale Wars; focusing on protection of whales around Faroe Islands.

Whale Wars on Animal Planet (DStv 264) is getting a new spin-off series that will be focused on protecting whales as well.

Filming has started a few weeks ago this month on the docu-reality show, currently with the working title of The Faroe Islands Project, focusing on saving whales around the Faroe Islands. The islanders' practice - known as ''The Grind'' has been for centuries to force long fin whales into shallow water and then kill them, making their living off of selling whale products.

The Faroe Islands Project will focus again on the Sea Shepherds Conservation Society that also features in Whale Wars and the often extreme measures on the open seas the group goes to, to protect whales and obstruct vessels from attacking whales.

The Faroe Islands Project is produced by The Lizard Trading Company with Liz Bronstein and Lisa Lucas as executive producers. Animal Planet doesn't yet have a broadcasting starting date for the show in America or internationally.