Monday, June 20, 2011

HERE BE DRAGONS. There's an image from a final scene from an epic new TV show I don't want to reveal; but you can decide.

There's something I want to show. But can't.

There's a magnificent TV show on television, not yet in South Africa - which is beautiful visual art as well as extraordinary storytelling for this medium. To show an image, would give away three plot twist, part of the ongoing plot development, spoil a major surprise that in hindsight is set up in the first episode already. The image is just such an amazing precursor to what is coming in the second season and a clear indicator of the delicious story awesomeness of what is still to come.

So I don't want to show it. And yet, it's a beautiful image. Beautiful because of what it means.

I'm not going to identify the TV show. I'm not going to say anything, except to strongly warn that it's the image from the final scene, from the final episode, from the just concluded first season of an amazing new TV show. If you see it, and you haven't watched the show, it will amaze you, but it will spoil some of what you will then know is coming. It will take away some of the unexpected phoenix magic that awaits.

If you click on READ MORE below, you're going to get the full photo of which the bit above is taken. Readers who have a high emotional intelligence (EQ), will just continue on. But at least you get a choice.

You've been warned. Here's be dragons.