Thursday, April 14, 2011

BREAKING. Survivor Tocantins set to start on SABC3 on Monday 27 June as a new SABC3 reality shows contingency plan looms.

You're reading it here first.

Next time on ..., oh you know. Let me break the news that the 18th season of Survivor, Survivor Tocantins has been acquired by SABC3 and will follow after the current season of The Amazing Race and start on Monday 27 June.

Two tribes of 8 each will battle it out for 39 gruelling days in the Brazilian highlands over 14 episodes. Shockingly tribal council will be halted in Survivor Tocantins when someone gets evacuated due to medical reasons and the hidden immunity idol and Exile Island are both there.

Some more insider info, not specific about Survivor, but related to the primetime alternating process of showing seasons of Survivor and The Amazing Race as reality shows on SABC3. Once again the broadcaster is catching up with what it can afford (The Amazing Race first-run rights goes to Sony Entertainment channel on DStv) and Survivor needs to cool off too (i.e cost a bit less). So of course SABC3 will sooner or later have to call a temporary halt to these shows again.

I specifically asked and was told earlier in the week that SABC3 is very much aware of this specific eventually looming in the not too distant future and that it's not guaranteed that Survivor and The Amazing Race will keep alternating. SABC3 has ''another plan'' that's ''strategic'' for the timeslot to tie viewers over when the broadcaster has to call a temporary halt to one of either of these shows as has happened in 2009.