Tuesday, March 1, 2011

eNews Channel covering the revolts across the Arab region with journalists in Egypt; producer on Tunisian border with Libya.

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While the SABC's SABC News division has no journalist anywhere, the eNews Channel (DStv 403) is all over the popular revolts sweeping Arab nations with journalists on location in Egypt and a producer in Tunisia on the border with Libya being rocked by unrest.

The eNews Channel news staff will remain in Northern Africa for as long as it takes, the 24 hour news channel tells me.

Chris Maroleng, Africa editor of the eNews Channel as well as Ben Said, group news editor are both in Egypt and are doing live telephone reports. Mark Klusener, senior producer for the eNews Channel who covered the Egyptian revolts and the Sudan referendum recently is also currently in Tunisia on the Libyan border. Mark Kulsener is also filing reports and doing live coverage  for the channel. None of them have return dates to South Africa yet and will remain to monitor news developments I'm told.