Monday, January 31, 2011

Tropika Island of Treasure 3 will premiers on e.TV on 20 February at 18:30. (Let's hope the treasure is a dictionary.)

If they can't even spell, how simply awesome do you think the television is going to be that they're making?

Well, Tropika Island of Treasure 3 will ''premiers'' on ''e.TV'' on the 20th Feb at 18:30 (wow, six words after ''e.TV'' in a row and no spelling mistakes. Record?).

Of course I haven't been invited to the launch in about two weeks time where the press will hobnob with the D-listers (those who decide to maybe show up this time) who's being sold to the gullable media as ''some new reality stars''. The press will get the chance to interview them after watching the ''premier episode'' (their spelling, not mine) and heat magazine will probably have breathless coverage (oh, but wait. heat magazine is the print partner.)

Of course to see how really truly awfully bad this advertiser-funded production (AFP) on - oops, I mean e.TV - will probably be, we'll have to wait for it to premiers on 20 Feb at 18:30.

ALSO READ: How Tropika Island of Treasure couldn't spell during the SECOND season in 2009