Friday, January 21, 2011

BREAKING. Solly Mokoetle got a R3,4 million golden handshake in his settlement to quit and resign as the SABC's group CEO.

The SABC caved under pressure and after first keeping it secret, has now revealed that it gave the suspended Solly Mokoetle R3,4 million in a golden handshake in a settlement to get the beleaguered group CEO to quit and resign.

An open joke told by many disheartened, shocked and disillusioned SABC workers yesterday and today at the public broadcaster's Auckland Park head office and relayed to me is this: ''I'm going to apply for the group CEO's position, mess it up within 6 months and walk away with millions. I wouldn't even have to play the Lotto!''

Kaizer Kganyago, SABC spokesperson, says in a press release that ''the figure that we've given to him is R3,4 million which is inclusive of all the monies which was due to him and that is the final settlement as far as the SABC and its former group CEO is concerned.''

''Whilst wanting to respect the confidentiality of the settlement, it is in the interests of transparency and to put an end to negative and incorrect media reports that the SABC board has decided to make the discolsure. Solly Mokoetle was paid an equivalent of his 12 month's salary which amounts to R3,4 million inclusive of leave and other entitlements as a full and final settlement.''

The minister of communications Roy Padayachie also met with the SABC board today according to the broadcaster, and was told about the settlement amount. And what I can tell is that unlike some lets-make-up-the-news-as-we-go journalists wrote, the minister of communications was not involved in this dealmaking process at all. What did happen was that the minister asked today that Solly Mokoetle's settlement amount be disclosed after the broadcaster tried to keep it secret

ALSO READ: The SABC needs to say how many millions it paid its suspended group CEO Solly Mokoetle to go away.
ALSO READ: My full coverage of Solly Mokoetle's resignation.