Saturday, November 6, 2010

BREAKING.'s Popstars judge Azania Ndoro on crying, giving no's and choosing the four stars of Nne-Vida: ''Five was too much.''

You're reading it here first.

''Five was too much,'''s beautiful Popstars judge Azania Ndoro tells me in an exclusively first interview on how and why they chose four Popstars contestants - after just officially announcing the new group: Lihle Ngongoma (21), Lyle Volkwyn (23), Oscar Toorn (22) and Zinhle Dube (22) who will now be known as Nne-Vida.

''With five it's too hard to get concensus. It was always going to be three or four,'' Azania Ndoro tells me. And did they consider an all-boys band or an all girls group? ''We played with that. We played with that idea but we ultimately decided that a mixed gender group would be what's best for Popstars.''

About the incredibly emotional episode that was just broadcast which I was shown yesterday and in which the judges visit the top 10 contestants at their respective homes to tell them who made the group - and who didn't - Azania Ndoro says ''that was very hard. It was a very hard thing to go and do. It's people we've gotten to know. We got to see them work and give their best and to then only get a ''no'' at such a late stage . . . It was difficult.''

''The one that affected me the most was the first ''no'' I had to give. I had to ''yes''-es and two ''no''-s and with the first ''no''. . . it was heartbreaking. I ended up crying. As much as you can encourage someone, the message is: You're still rejecting me. You're still saying no to me.''