Saturday, October 23, 2010

BREAKING. Nominations awaited for four new members of the SABC board to fill vacancies after rocky series of resignations.

The South African government is now looking, and will be advertizing, for four new members to the SABC board after the resignations of SABC board members Felleng Sekha, David Niddrie, Barbara Masekela and Magatho Mello over the course of the past few months that rocked the beleaguered SABC that's mired in an ongoing mismanagement and top executive squabble saga with infighting between what remains of the SABC board, and its widely disliked chairperson dr Ben Ngubane.

The parliamentary portfolio committee on communications says in a press release its ''inviting institutions and individuals to nominate suitable candidates to fill the vacancies of non-executive members of the SABC board.''

"The candidates must also be committed to fairness, freedom of expression, openness and accountability.'' This is an extremely irnoic statement, since both the parliamentary committee who created havoc by convening a closed meeting with the SABC board, as well as the SABC board itself, have been involved in multiple examples since January of not exhibiting openness, accountability or supporting freedom of expression (not even for the resigned SABC board members who are now not allowed to speak.)

Once again a shortlist will be drawn up similar to exactly a year ago, with interviews then taking place. Nominations for the new spots on the SABC board will close on Monday, November 15.