Friday, September 3, 2010

Imploding signal distributor Sentech mired in chaos, conflict; could be out of cash by November.

The ANC led South African government wants to pass the insipid, draconian ana apartheid part two Information Protection Bill which would allow the incompetent government to declare things ''national points of interest'' which would prevent journalists like me writing about let's say Sentech - South Africa's state-owned signal distributor that is mired in debt, infighting, corruption, neglect, reckless spending, non-existent leadership, infrastructure crumbling before our very own eyes and which could be out of cash as early as November.

In February Sentech was described by a ministerial task team as ''rudderless'' and ''an unstable business'' - a pathetic situation for this super important ''national point of interest'' which is now going for bad to even worse very fast.

Utter chaos is reigning at Sentech according to the latest board report. Sentech is leaderless after the acting chief executive Beverly Ngwenya resigned last month after she took over in April this year. Beverly Ngwenya only resigned because she was actually suspended - only three month's into her tenureship, because of alleged gross negligence and reckless spending. Mohammed Siddique Cassim, Sentech's fianance chief has also been suspended. It has now also come to light in the report that Sentech could be out of cash as early as November.

A shocking! new report that was given to parliament's portfolio commitee on communications, details the unbelievable mess at Sentech. Sentech currently has:
NO approved budget.
NO credible information about the progress of South Africa's transition process - known as digital migration - to digital terrestrial television (DTT). Something for which Sentech is primarily responsible.
a budget deficit of more than R83 million.

Of course NONE of this you would know or be able to read if the government succeeds in passing the abhorrent Information Protection Bill.

ALSO READ: Sentech described as ''rudderless'' and in urgent need of action.
ALSO READ: Beverly Ngwenya appointed as Sentech's new chief executive.