Thursday, September 2, 2010

IDOLS BACKSTAGE: Idols executive producer Gavin Wratten on why the reality show keeps running over: ''Blame the judges.''

You're reading it here first.

I asked Gavin Wratten, executive producer of Idols on M-Net why every Sunday performance show and Tuesday Results Show has run way over time, resulting in the end being chopped off for viewers who record the show. Why isn't Idols edited and produced better?

''We're trying to train the judges better,'' Gavin Wratten tells me with a sly smile. ''But they seem to be untrainable, unfortunately.''

''We are aware of it,'' he says. ''We are trying to make it tighter. On Tuesdays we are live. With a live TV show there's so many different elements and there are some things which just are out of your control. We will try our utmost to ensure that Idols don't run over again.''