Monday, August 2, 2010

Vodacom prepares its own mobile TV cellphone service - TV:On Demand - through Vodafone Live.

After MultiChoice announced the launch of its ''new'' DStv MOBILE cellphone TV service last week that will start in August (read about it RIGHT HERE) Vodacom announced its own mobile TV cellphone service earlier today, called TV:On Demand!.

Where DStv MOBILE is MultiChoice and Vodacom working in partnership to create a mobile TV service in South Africa, in a weird way Vodacom is now introducing a second mobile TV service all of its own called TV:On Demand! that will allow Vodacom 3G cellphone users to watch episodes from shows such as Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Sex and the City, South Park, Entourage, Andromeda, Mutant X, Dora the Explorer, Relic Hunter and even Spongebob Squarepants on their cellphone devices.

TV:On Demand! will cost R20 per week or R75 per month and unlike DStv MOBILE there won't be any cap or broadcast usage restriction (i.e. you can watch as much as you want where DStv MOBILE will cut you off after 180 viewing minutes per month). Vodacom 3G cellphone users who try TV:On Demand! during August or September 2010 will be able to use the service free for 30 days.