Thursday, August 12, 2010

BREAKING. SABC board called to appear before parliament on Monday where they're set to dish the dirt; Sentech board also summoned.

Can you feel it? It is here! The entire SABC board has been called to appear before the national assembly's portfolio committee for communications on Monday, August 24 and oh boy . . . are the sparks set to fly on Monday in Cape Town. The SABC board is going to dish the dirt on the hugely disliked SABC board chairman dr Ben Ngubane and the SABC's group CEO Solly Mokoetle!

The SABC board who simply cannot stand the tainted SABC board chairperson after dr Ben Ngubane unilaterally instructed Solly Mokoetle to appoint Phil Molefe as the head of news, are set to spill exactly what has been going on the past three months at the highest executive level of the South African Broadcasting Corporation.

After the SABC board - who according to corporate governance are the body legitimately tasked to make an appointment as crucial as the broadcaster's head of news - were secretly and blatantly sidelined by dr Ben Ngubane, all trust and goodwill between the SABC board and the chairperson rapidly evaporated, especially since he - according to sources close to the SABC board ''is desperately trying to legitimize what he's done which is actually illegal''. The acrimonious breakdown between the SABC board and the chairperson has now lead to the resignation of board members such as Barbara Masekela. Also, as I reported earlier today, there's hardly any communication taking place between the majority of the SABC board and dr Ben Ngubane, except for official board meetings where he might be present. 

In Monday's meeting the SABC board will spill the beans on the SABC's turn-around strategy, the severely hampered executive power since dr Ben Ngubane put a spoke in the wheels of the SABC's highest governing body and the unmitigated management and public relations disaster that the SABC has been plunged in through the insipid ''appointment'' of Phil Molefe. The Sentech board has also been called to appear before the committee and will have to answer questions on Tuesday, August 31.

ALSO READ: ''They don't talk to him anymore.'' Massive stand-off between the SABC board and SABC chairperson dr Ben Ngubane.
ALSO READ: SABC board member Barbara Masekela resigns; more resignations set to follow.