Saturday, July 3, 2010

BREAKING. The eNews Channel first with video footage taken by cellphone of Paris Hilton's court appearance in Port Elizabeth.

Paris Hilton appeared in one of South Africa's new night courts in Port Elizabeth late last night after the socialiste was arrested on suspicion of posession of dagga/marijuana/pot at the quarterfinal match between Brazil and the Netherlands - but the charges were eventually dropped.

The eNews Channel (DStv 403) is the first TV channel who got any visuals out from the court appearance, when the eNews Channel managed to use a cellphone to film footage of Paris Hilton appearing in the Port Elizabeth court. Charges were later withdrawn against Paris Hilton, but her friend Jennifer Rovero admitted to being in possession of the cannabis, pleaded guilty and got fined R1 000.

Friends and sources alerted me immediately 21:50 on Friday night that Paris Hilton has been arrested for possible possession and that she was at the Mount Road police station in Port Elizabeth and of course I immediately called some people.

The eNews Channel cellphone footage shows Paris Hilton and Jennifer Rovero appearing before the magistrate late on Friday night. When told the case had been dropped, Paris Hilton with pigtails and wearing an sleeveless white blouse in court, just said ''thank you'' and left the courtroom. She later wrote on Twitter: ''Hey guys, there's a lot of crazy rumors going around. Just want you all to know the truth. Everything is completely fine. I was not charged or arrested, cause I didn't do anything. Everyone was super nice and friendly to me. I love South Africa! Such an amazing place, especially during The World Cup! Hope that clears everything up."