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I can break the news exclusively that On Digital Media (ODM) has now reached the number of 90 000 TopTV decoders in the South African market.
That's a stunning performance for the pay TV operator who's official commercial broadcast commenced just over 50 days ago. The pay TV platform that launched officially at the beginning of May is keeping up its phenomenal decoder sales and subscriber growth. ODM told me there is now 90 000 TopTV decoders in the market (which includes some of the TopTV decoders in stores). They are however snapped up like hotcakes.
The continued uptake of TopTV decoders nationwide is fuelled in part by the 2010 FIFA World Cup and subscribers who want to watch football but didn't have reception or bad reception of SABC1, SABC2 and SABC3. With TopTV they can now get all three channels digitally - as well as additional football analysis on some of the other TV channels included on the TopTV bouquet like BBC World News (TopTV 400) going big with World Cup news coverage and analysis. The free installation after a subscriber buys a TopTV set top box (STB) also remains a huge drawcard. TopTV is now doing installations and activations even quicker after streamlining and refining the process further the past few weeks as well as continuing to add accredited TopTV installers.
ALSO READ: On Digital Media (ODM) passes the 80 000 sales mark for TopTV decoders.