Tuesday, May 4, 2010

BREAKING. National Geographic to debut explosive documentary about Iceland volcano.

National Geographic
You're reading it here first.

I can be first to tell you about the awesome and utterly spectacular TV documentary special coming up this Sunday that National Geographic (DStv 260) is rushing to TV about the Iceland volcano. SPEC-TA-CU-LAR!

National Geographic is rushing Naked Science: Iceland Volcano Eruption to air this Sunday, May 9 at 20:00 with exclusive volcano footage that will blow you away. The devastating Eyjafjallajokull caused mass disruption over Europe's airspace in April. A National Geographic film crew made it to Iceland even before news crews and were there right from the beginning, documenting and capturing the magnificent ash clouds billowing into the air - and were there for the second, even larger volcanic eruption.

The National Geographic team I'm told, were the first ones to get access to the volcano via helicopter and kept the cameras rolling - they even made it to the top of a glacier next to the volcano where they filmed spectacular footage of this natural event. ''Incredible, unparalleled footage of the volcano as it was erupting,'' is what National Geographic tells me they will be showing this Sunday evening.