Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Programming note: The four last celebitants in Survivor SA Santa Carolina cut down to just two tonight.

You're reading it here first.

Of this final four remaining celebitants in Survivor SA Santa Carolina - Sade Giliberti, GiGi, Ashley Hayden and ProVerb - only two will be left standing at the end of tonight's episode - and only I have an exclusive clue as to who it will be!

In tonight's penultimate episode of Survivor SA Santa Carolina at 19:30 on M-Net (before next Wednesday's 90 minute live finale) two of the contestants you see above, will be gonners and join the jury. Here is my exclusive clue: the two who gets voted out in tonight's episode are not standing next to each other in this photo.

You have to watch tonight's episode. It's so jam packed, it's going to make your head spin. Get ready for the most physical and exhausting immunity challenge so far in this season of Survivor SA Santa Carolina. Get ready for a lot of water, more bad vibes between two celebitants, that moment where the remaining celebitants remember all those who've been voted out, the final tribal council on the island, an announcement by host Nico Panagio and an aerial manouver in the dark.