Monday, February 8, 2010

FIRST LOOK! Cape Town auditions of SABC1's new Class Act reality show.

You're seeing it here first.

SABC1's new Class Act reality show that I broke the news on and wrote about first RIGHT HERE had their Cape Town auditions this past weekend. Of course I set off to Milnerton - not to enter - but to talk to presenter Kenneth Nkosi (look out for that interview soon) about his role in this new reality show looking for an action hero.

Click on READ MORE below for some more photos and goss on the show.

The Class Act reality show has a big tour bus going around the country and Johannesburg will be up next.

Contestants lined-up from early on in Milnerton for the chance to show the judges if they've got what it takes to become an action star.

Contestants waiting patiently in line after they've registered, have gotten their number as well as a cue card with a scripted scene they can do if they want to.
If you look just below the STAGE 1 sign at the back on the outside of the sound stage, you'll see the entrance where contestants walk in and where the judges await. I was not allowed to go and was told the judges are too stressed and focused and that production-wise curious busy-bodies can't be entertained and bother them while they're seeing contestants.
Class Act presenter Kenneth Nkosi utside the sound stage lot where I quickly grabbed him for an interview. Kenneth is really very funny.