I now have the EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE from SABC2, with the broadcaster not just saying that the channel is VERY HAPPY with Pasella's performance, but also that the show's contract has been RENEWED, that it's a programming SUCCESS STORY and something that SABC2 is ''very proud of''.
Here is what Zandile Nkonyeni, SABC2 publicity manager just told me:
''We recontracted Pasella for another season due to the fact that we've had a huge audience demand for the show. Pasella currently meets both the audiences and advertisers expectations and demands and with the high audience ratings the programme attracts, it is understandably the reason why it is a sustainable programme to have on the channel.''
''Pasella is one of the success stories that we as a channel are proud of, having won many accolades both with viewers and industry critics.''
FOR ALL OF MY OWN KIND, BUT THE LAZY ONES (yes, even if you write about television and think it doesn't matter) who didn't attend, slept through, don't care for or didn't go to journo school, go look up the audi alteram partem rule of journalism.
Then go and look at what you want to put out there BEFORE you put it out there.