Monday, September 6, 2010

Who said what? See how they answer: The same 10 questions for each of the Top 10 Idols contestants.

I got the opportunity to sit down with the Top 10 Idols in this latest sixth season on M-Net and I decided to ask each of the Top 10 the same 10 questions.

Pieter West, Sindy Nene, Jess Yallup, Boki Ntsime, Bongi Mthombeni, Jamie-Lee Sexton, Elvis Blue, Gail Nkoane, L'loyd Cele and Adeline Mocke all did one-on-one interviews with me and I got all their answers.

Who has a fetish for perfume? Who sings opera in the shower? Which contestant would have loved to sing a duet with Michael Jackson and who is sad that her mom isn't here to share in her Idols moment? Who opens up about emotional hurt, which one fights other people's battles and how do they all feel when they're standing there on the Idols stage in the middle of the spotlight? I have all the answers . . .

Click on READ MORE below to see how each of the Top 10 Idols contestants answered.

Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? I don't sing in the shower but I do warm up in the shower vocally. I don't sound that good in the shower.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? I'm not scared of being voted out. I'm scared that one of the friends that I've made get voted out.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? Definitely not being shy anymore and being able to sing in front of 3 000 people because I couldn't even sing in front of my own parents.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . Chad Kruger from Nickelback because of his voice.
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . currently all of them because there is no-one I can think of that . . . I think everyone. I think feel like ''just the accountant'' and everyone else is brilliant.
Something people don't know about me is . . . even if I do a serious song, I'm still the funny guy. I'm still a fun guy to be around.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . completely relaxed. It's just fun.
Something that makes me sad is . . . being far away from friends and family.
Something that makes me happy is . . . being able to sing a brilliant song that I love and actually feel good about singing.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . that beneath the happy friendly guy there is a very deep person.

Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? I always sing in the shower. And its always Disney songs. Like . . .''I caaaan shooooow you the woooorld.'' Those are the best songs ever written. Ha ha.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? That I'm going to trip on stage or that something completely unexpected is going to happen. I fear something happening that I haven't thought of.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? To just believe in myself. I used to be very critical of myself. While it's still there, I've just had to supress it.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . Well Jeff Buckley passed away but since it's a hypothetical question I'm going to go with him because I think he's an amazing singer.
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . I really cannot say. Sincerely I've had my granny and my mom ask me. I really feel I'm different enough not to compete with anybody. I feel everyone of us is different.
Something people don't know about me is . . . that I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm ADD. I love having a good time. I can be very moody sometimes.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . Awesome. I feel awesome up there. I can be very nervous just before, but once I'm there its fun. I really love being up there.
Something that makes me sad is . . . racism, unfairness – I get a very loose tongue when I hear about people who have done things to other people. I fight other people's battles. When people judge a book by its cover. Also I've got a very soft spot for animals. I hate animal cruelty.
Something that makes me happy is . . . music makes me happy. And being around my friends and family. And clothes. I like clothes.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . that I'm the person to vote for. I hope they see that I'm really serious about this. There have been people who haven't done anything with it. If I get further I will utilize it. This is something that I want to do with my life.

Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? Ha ha. Ha ha. Yes I do sing in the shower, but mostly its when I'm practising for my next performance. But mostly because of the echo it doesn't sound very well.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? I have very big feeling that people are going to get more and more competitive so people are going to make sure they go out there and do their thing, so my biggest fear is how far can I push myself to keep up with the other contestants. Its going to get more tough individually.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? Being able to control my emotions. I've discovered that I cry a lot after seeing myself on TV. I get really tearful. Its hard to see people go on the Tuesday evening.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . If Michael Jackson was still alive, Michael Jackson definitely.
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . going to be L'Loyd or Bongi or Elvis.
Something people don't know about me is . . . that I'm shy. Do you see that in me? I'm shy.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . like a superstar.
Something that makes me sad is . . . to be unable to do things because you don't have money or the right support or facilities.
Something that makes me happy is . . . Idols and this competition and the opportunity that I'm getting. And music.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . a winner and the greatest international performer that I will still become. 
Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? I definitely sing in the shower and its bits of everything. It depends on the mood of the day. Sometimes I make up my own songs and hopefully nobody hears me.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? Definitely I'm doing something that is out of my comfort zone. In this show you need to show people that you can do different things. I'm a little bit scared but we'll see what happens.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? To start singing. I was so scared to ever start. Seven years ago I went for singing lessons. It didn't went so well so I thought I'd never be a singer. My mom was like: ''Adeline stop the modeling, you need to sing,'' so I had to scratch the guts together and do it and here I am.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . Celine Dion. She is the reason why I started singing. My Heart will go on from Titanic is my dad's favourite song. I wanted to go to her show so badly last year. I think she's an amazing person. She had this dream and worked so hard for it. And that's what I want to do. I think she's an amazing person.
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . There's a lot of talented people here. Every day you hear them sing. I'm not going to say any names but there's a lot of competition!
Something people don't know about me is . . . I'm actually down to earth, I'm a softie and I'm actually a tomboy and I don't like doing hair and make-up. I'm just a girl from the farm. My mom constantly kept nagging me: ''Adeline can't you just look like a girl for one day?'' With my dad's illness I've learned that any day can be the end. Don't worry about what people say. I would love people to know me for who I really am.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . like nothing can touch me. Like it's my moment, my journey and that it's all in God's hands and no-one can take that away from me. I just go out there and do what I worked hard on. I feel like its my time to shine.
Something that makes me sad is . . . Seeing some of these people who've worked so hard leaving. And that we can't see our families.
Something that makes me happy is . . . definitely Bongi and Elvis. We went for dancing lessons. We all made fools out of ourselves. We have all these entertainers.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . that I'm more than skin deep. I hope they see the good in my heart. 
Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? Yes I do sing in the shower and mostly just what I can think of spontaneously what I can think of at that time. Most of the time its songs that has to do with happiness and feeling good.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? I'n not scared of anything. I have no fear about anything. I'm just focusing entirely on myself and giving it everything I've got.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? I think the biggest hurdle is not having to grow up with a father.That was the most difficult thing. I've only met my father two or three times in my whole life. It's very difficult, especially having a child of my own, I had to learn how to become a father from my mom and from other people. That emotional hurt is something I've had to deal with.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . SORRY dear reader! I skipped over this question and forgot to ask this – Thinus
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . Elvis.
Something people don't know about me is . . . I'm a worship pastor.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . at home.
Something that makes me sad is . . . not having to see my wife and son.
Something that makes me happy is . . . singing in front of thousands of people.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . me for who I am.  
Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? I do sing in the shower and I sing my vocal exercises just to get my voice in shape.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? That people will lose interest in my. But I will keep the flavour going.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? I grew up with a bad acne. I grew up with very bad acne. I felt very bad sitting with people because they would just look at me and my pimples and not see me for who I am. I've passed that stage in my life.
And do you maybe have a message for people or fans experiencing that right now?
It goes away at some point. So just stick to your true friends and family. That was when I found out who my true friends in life were. Don't change for other people. Just be yourself and don't be fake.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . Beyonce. She's hot. Yes. That's the simple answer. And she can sing.
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . all the competitors.
Something people don't know about me is . . . that I'm in it to win it. I'm an underdog but I'm going to give it my best.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . very comfortable and very at home. It's always been my dream.
Something that makes me sad is . . . that I miss my family. A lot. But I know its all for the best.
Something that makes me happy is . . . the free prizes that we get and the sponsors and the clothes and the treatment and the house and the food that they cook!
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . a very humble, kind honest guy who will never be fake. And I'm going to give you good music on the way.  
Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? I don't sing in the shower. I just concentrate on getting myself nice and clean.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? For me I just want to stay true to what I'm doing. There's lots of things pulling you in all kinds of directions. You're dancing the one week and then this and that the next week. I just want to stay focused on who I am. It's difficult sometimes.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? I haven't overcome it yet. My family is very far away. I miss them a lot. And just to stay sane is hard.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . Bono from U2. Bono for me is one of the greatest celebrities in the world. He's not a normal celebrity. He's uses what he has been given and use it for good.
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . Elvis Blue. Myself. Usually when I mess up really badly is because I messed up in my thinking.
Something people don't know about me is . . . I'm now 10 834 days old.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . honoured to be heard.
Something that makes me sad is . . . when people get hurt.
Something that makes me happy is . . . red wine, good friends and fireplaces.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . someone who is not just doing music as a hobby but a musician – someone who really loves to make music.
Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? Yes I sing opera in the shower.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? I'm not getting more scared. I'm getting more relaxed. I can't say anything scared me. I'm scared of what the crowd might experience and how they experience my performances.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? I had to give up many other opportunities. I had to look at the bigger picture. I had to leave things and trust in Idols to open up bigger doors for me.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . Toto. I'd love to sing with Toto and have Toto call me and say ''Hey Bongi, here's the stage, do Rozanna with me.''
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . Wow. Okay. Must I have competition? Ha ha. Uhm, okay. Well I don't want to take anyone with competition. We're all great. I would think the females are bigger competition.
Something people don't know about me is . . . Ha ha. Mmm. Ha ha ha. I don't know, I don't know. What don't people know about me? Many people don't know that I can sing in Afrikaans.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . phewwww. I feel that's where I belong!
Something that makes me sad is . . . seeing people who are gifted and talented never getting the opportunity.
Something that makes me happy is . . . the stage.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . a young, upcoming solution to their ears! Ha ha.  
Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? Yes I sing in the shower. Yes I sing songs that keeps me inspired. I sing silly songs. I think every day every person needs that. And to let off some steam. Sometimes when you're stressed, you can just sing and nobody's there and you feel better.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? Myself. Because I think the mind is a powerful thing. You tend to compare yourself to the other contestants. I have to constantly encourage and motivate myself.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? Losing about seven family members in the space in the space of a couple of months – my mom, my grandmother, my brother, my aunt. I think it has taught me the value of life and that there is nothing wrong with chasing your dream. Their deaths were not in vain.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . Wow. I haven't given tht some thought. I love Neo. I think he's a great song writer and performer.
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . to be honest with you, its such a touchy question. I think me. The biggest mistake is we try and compare ourselves with other people. I just have to be comfortable with Gail and who Gail is.
Something people don't know about me is . . . that I'm actually not a corporate cabaret singer, which is what Randall Abrahams said about me. I'm still a chilled, relaxed, small town girl.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . exhilarated. I can't explain it. When I'm on that stage I lose myself. I've had to learn to let go of Gail and just have fun. When I'm on the stage I lose myself.
Something that makes me sad is . . . that my mom is not here to share this moment with me. And my brother. They were always very supportive and I'm sad they're not here to see me.
Something that makes me happy is . . . that I'm doing something for me. I'm doing this because its something I've always wanted to do. It's something I've always wanted to be.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . a true reflection of me. People should see a strong women, a women who fought to be where she is, a woman who believes in herself, a women who believes in God definitely.
Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, what? I definitely sing in the shower and I sing Respect by Aretha Franklin.
What are you most scared of entering this next Top 10 phase of the show? To be voted out and to get boo'ed off the stage.
What is the biggest hurdle you've overcome so far? I've been through many hurdles. I did Idols previously and I never entered again because you become a bit despondent. My father passed away after that. I lost my dad, cousin, aunt in a short while afterwards. I was emotionally not ready to step out and display myself. But overcoming that, it changed me. It developed me as a person. I'm here today and I'm happy with what I've gone through, it made me stronger and I thank God.
If I can sing a duet with anyone in the world it would be . . . Mick Jagger. I think he's fantastic.
I think my biggest competition in Idols is . . . L'Loyd.
Something people don't know about me is . . . I'm addicted to ''Did you knows?'', facts.
When I'm on the Idols stage I feel . . . invigorated.
Something that makes me sad is . . . cruelty to animals and children. It really upsets me.
Something that makes me happy is . . . perfume! Oh its my fetish! I've got many. I love perfume, I love different smells. My favourite is [Cirote]. I love Jean-Paul Gaultier, I love Chanel, I love Gucci . . I can go on forever. I really can.
I hope that people, when they see me, see . . . A true artist and not just a performer. I hope they see a true artist.

Idols Spectaculars, Sundays, M-Net at 17:30
Idols Result Shows, Tuesdays, M-Net at 19:00