Monday, May 13, 2013

Lynette Francis has stepped in as Afrikaans news reader on SABC2's Afrikaans news bulletin, Nuus om 7.

You're reading it here first. 

Lynette Francis has been added to the roster of the alternating Afrikaans news readers and anchors of Nuus om 7 on SABC2 although there's been no official announcement from SABC2, the SABC Television News division, or the SABC.

Lynette Francis has been the presenter of the Afrikaans current affairs show Fokus on SABC2 since January 2010 and has now been seen behind the Nuus om 7 anchor desk for about three months.

(Radio falls outside the scope of this news service focusing on television exclusively, but Lynette Francis is of course also the voice behind Praat Saam on the public broadcaster's Afrikaans radio station RSG just after 8:00 on weekday mornings.)

It's not clear whether Lynette Francis is merely helping out on an ad hoc freelance basis as a news reader of the only Afrikaans TV news bulletin on the South African public broadcaster, or whether it on a permanent as-needed basis, or whether she has permanently joined the round table of the up to now other two existing news readers, Terrance April and Karlien Olivier.

Lynette Francis has been sitting in for the permanent Nuus om 7 news anchors as far back as the latter part of November 2009 on a temporary and non-permanent basis. It's unclear whether that's the case again currently on whether she has become a permanent fixture as part of Afrikaans primetime TV news.