Wednesday, September 12, 2012

After the SABC muzzles Julius Malema, the former ANC Youth leader gives an interview to Christiane Amanpour in CNN International.

After the SABC muzzled Julius Malema and cancelled on an interview with the disgraced former ANC Youth leader, Juju as he's popularly referred to, gave a television interview to Christiane Amanpour on Amanpour on CNN International (DStv 401) last night.

After Julius Malema's scheduled SABC interview for Tuesday night on MetroFM was suddenly cancelled by order of SABC management, the controversial Julius Malema who've now inserted himself into the Lonmin and South African mining crisis appeared Tuesday night on Amanpour,.

Julius Malema told Christiane Amanpour that "we want all workers, including the imemployed, to come together and demand what rightfully belongs to them ... we have come to the point where we must say enough is enough."