Wednesday, October 19, 2011

BREAKING. 'There's the assumption that TV audiences want local TV content, but there has to be investment in the quality of that local content.'

You're reading it here first.

''I think there's often an assumption that TV audiences want local TV content almost irrespective of what the quality of that content might be. There's this idea that somehow there's just this intrinsic demand for local content. But there has to be investment in the quality of that local content.''

So says dr Duane Varan, professor of new media at the Murdock University in America in a CNBC Africa Special Report. He was talking about local TV content within the South African and African perspective in a panel discussion in Johannesburg on the changing media landscape in South Africa.

''Local TV content depend on business models that make that local content viable,'' says dr Duane Varan. ''Advertising is important, making sure that there are TV channels for that content that actually have a following - all of that are intrinsic to making sure that the television of the future for the African continent is not foreign television that is ultimately shaping the identity of kids growing up, but that it has within it has a balance and a mix of both local and international TV content.''

ALSO READ: Local TV content in South Africa and the acquisition of TV content is going to be a challenge over the next few years, says the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa).
ALSO READ: The internet is not a ''threat'' to broadcasters in South Africa; ample time to work with telecoms to provide content, says the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa).
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