Saturday, August 20, 2011

Government KNEW the SABC won't make targets; Sizwe Ntsabula Report: 'it doesn't appear that SABC would be able to meet the targets set out'.

You're reading it here first.

After it was initially set, it now appears that the South African government was informed and knew that the SABC would in all likelihood not make the targets - as set out by the government - in  return for which the government gave the beleaguered South African public broadcaster a government guaranteed loan of R1,43 billion two years ago in 2009.

On Tuesday the National Treasury, in a scathing report on the struggling SABC, told parliament that the SABC so far has failed on meeting all but one of the government guarantee targets as set out in the loan guarantee.

Yet it seems that the news wouldn't be a surprise to the government. It appears that the South African government would already have known that. After there was disagreement on the financial projections of the suffering broadcaster, Sizwe Ntsaluba VSP was appointed by the government to review and give an independent opinion of the credibility of the projections and the underlying assumptions provided by the SABC.

The shocking Sizwe Ntsabula Report on the SABC for the government concluded that ''differences in government guarantee targets and the projections are not ideal and it shows that there are inefficiencies when it comes to the implementation to achieve targets set'' and that ''a consistent process needs to be identified where government guarantees are matched to the projections''.

The Size Ntsabula Report concluded that, based on the review of the provided targets and the forecast, and given the SABC's history of not meeting its budget, ''that it does not appear that the SABC would be able to meet the government guarantee targets set out''.

The department of communications on Tuesday in its submission before parliament said the conclusion arrived at by the Sizwe Ntsabula Report is ''a major concern''.

ALSO READ: Full and comprehensive coverage of the SABC's latest appearance before parliament this week; new revelations, shockers and reaction.