Saturday, November 6, 2010

BREAKING. Don't need no Back Up! A massive dance and beat-terrific Popstars hit is coming just in time for the holidays.

You're reading it here first.

''I don't need no back up baby, you're were more than enough! Don't need no back up, back up . . .''

Tonight at 18:05 in Popstars on the brand-new pop group of four people will be revealed and I not only got to listen to their full debut single, I also got to saw them perform it live last night! Here is what I can spill exclusively first about their upcoming, soon-to-be released song and album:

I'm pleased to say that XXX XXXX's brand-new debut single which should start getting air play from Monday on radio stations across South Africa, is a delightfully catchy, clever pop R&B infused and beat-terrific song. ''XXXX XX'' is really a perfect debut single for this new band. Its one of 12 songs that will be included on their debut album that will be entitled XXXXX XX XXX!

The debut single has cool keyboard cords with a delightful piano ending. With catchy words and an enjoyable chorus you'll quickly start to sing along once you heard it for the second time. What's the song about? Well, a jilted lover laments being ''replaced'' by the love of his/her life by that person's second choice waiting in the wings. Yet, says the lover, even though you did that, I didn't have a fall-back replacement, since you really were everything to me and I would never have done that to you.

The song is wonderful, very well produced, has an infectious dance floor rhythm and is a perfect music gift for the holiday time ahead.