Friday, March 26, 2010

BREAKING. SABC suspends its sales director Nisha Jones.

You're reading it here first.

It's Friday, so it must be . . . SUSPENSION day at the SABC who seems to choose and prefer Fridays for its zingers.

I can tell you first that the SABC has suspended its sales director Nisha Jones because the public broadcaster believes that - based on preliminary investigations - that Nisha Jones has been involved in ''possible acts of serious misconduct''.

Nisha Jones was immediately suspended by Solly Mokoetle, the group CEO of the SABC because ''her continued presence at the SABC may jeopardize investigations into the allegations of possible misconduct by her''.

The SABC tells me that Nisha Jones was asked to make a representation as to why the SABC should not suspend her. She didn't respond at all by the cut-off date and she was suspended immediately.

UPDATE 29 November 2010 15:00 - The SABC has now concluded its investigation and has reinstated Nisha Jones from 25 October 2010 in her position (read that RIGHT HERE). In a press release the SABC says ''following the finalisation of a thorough investigation into possible acts of misconduct; the SABC has reinstated Nisha Jones as sales director at the commercial enterprise division'' and says ''the subsequent investigation cleared Nisha Jones of all charges''.