Thursday, April 4, 2013

Public discussion about the State of the SABC taking place today in Braamfontein: Has the SABC finally reached a point of no return?

An open forum public discussion will be taking place today, Thursday 4 April, in Braamfontein, looking at the State of the SABC and whether the beleaguered SABC can still be saved.

The struggling SABC has experienced almost perpetual crises and instability since 2007. During the past 6 years, the South African public broadcaster has seen 5 ministers of communications, 4 SABC boards come and go and had a whopping 6 CEO's.

Recently another SABC board was dissolved by parliament and again replaced by an interim SABC board.

Thursday's public discussion, led by the vast public pressure group for public broadcasting, the SOS Coalition, together with SECTION27, is looking at the state of the SABC and its implications for civil society and social justice in South Africa.

The State of the SABC discussion will take place from 13:00 until 14:30 on Thursday afternoon at the SECTION27 offices on the 6th floor of the Braamfontein Centre in 23 Jorissen Street, Johannesburg.

Anyone can attend, but RSVP'ing is necessary for catering purposes - send email to Jayshree Pather at